Série des “Films Imaginaires”
n°01- "Vie ou Mort à Venise"
Janvier 2011 : 5000 ex
n°01- "Vie ou Mort à Venise"
Janvier 2011 : 5000 ex
Changement de cap ou moment d'écrire la programmation, je vois que l'exposition photo de janvier s'intitule " Vie ou Mort à Venise" ! je ne peux pas loupé ce titre pour commencer cette collection 2011. Je décide donc de refaire la carte de janvier, et de garder "Barbarella" pour une autre occasion, "Vie ou Mort à Venise" comme me le dit Mathieu Diez: c'est comme un titre de Largo Winch... ça pourrais être aussi un film imaginaire avec la grande actrice: Sophia Loren ... c'est ce que j'ai eu envie d'illustrer.
Change of direction when I Started to write the program for the next month. I see that, the photo exhibition in January was titled: "Life or Death in Venice" I can not missed that for the new collection for 2011. So I decided to remake the Flyer of January, (Barbarella Wiill be use for another occasion). "Life or Death in Venice" as said Mathieu Diez, as a title of Largo Winch comic book! It could also be a fantasy film with the great actress Sophia Loren ... that's what I wanted to illustrate here.
Change of direction when I Started to write the program for the next month. I see that, the photo exhibition in January was titled: "Life or Death in Venice" I can not missed that for the new collection for 2011. So I decided to remake the Flyer of January, (Barbarella Wiill be use for another occasion). "Life or Death in Venice" as said Mathieu Diez, as a title of Largo Winch comic book! It could also be a fantasy film with the great actress Sophia Loren ... that's what I wanted to illustrate here.