mercredi 27 juillet 2011
L'album "Gold of the Dead" venant d'être signé chez Paquet j'ai entamé depuis quelques jours le story-board des onze premières pages.
The album "Gold of the Dead" has just been signed for Paquet a few days ago. And I just started the storyboard of the first eleven pages of the book.
mercredi 20 juillet 2011
Well, it's the holidays and after a strenuous month of June, I take pleasure in scribbling in a small sketchbook. The menu is: Pin Up, Cheerleaders, and Bald Guys ...
vendredi 24 juin 2011
Baret, B-gnet, Ben Lebègue, Benyamina, Berquin, Binand, Bouchereau, Bouin, Bourgoin, Brachet, Brérot, Bournel, Calla, Coquin, Courty, Clo, Djib, Dugait, F. Dupré Latour, Flao, Gaet's, Girard, Godart, Iumsa, A. Jean, O. Jouvray, Le Colère, Lofé, Luge, Maroger, Martin, Masson, Maury, Pmgl, Pinos, Raives, Reiss, Ricard, Fred & Greg Salsedo, Sarfati, Segarra, Sorrentino, Tchechovitch, Yan.
jeudi 23 juin 2011
lundi 30 mai 2011
A reprint of Sketchbook 01 * will be provided at the upcoming release of Sketchbook 02. If you go to the International Film Festival of Annecy annimation, it is possible that we meet for a signature and a doodle!
* après 2 tentatives d'impression loupées la réédition du sketchbook 01 à été suspendue.
* After two attempts missed the reprint edition of the sketchbook 01 has been canceled.
mercredi 25 mai 2011
It is with great pleasure that I worked on the issue 14 of the IG mag (In Game). Who granted me an interview with four pages on the storyboard, I've been asked to discuss the common points on different media such as comics, video games and the TV series. This issue is a fairly dense over 200 pages and full of topics. Thank you to Suvilay Bounthavy, editor, for giving me these few pages to explain my job.
mardi 24 mai 2011
mercredi 18 mai 2011
I just finished the poster for the 6th edition of Lyon BD Festival Off. In the spotlight this year, Vincent Mallié for "The Way of the Riege" the third book of the prequel of "Roxanna & the Quest for the Time-Bird" and as he has done a magnificent "Riege" on the festival poster I give him the reply with princess Mara, drawn in my own way, but extremely inspired by the original drawing of the character created by Regis Loisel and Serge Le Tendre. At the same time I did my first drawings of heroic fantasy by dissecting the two first book, not surprising that I take pleasure drawing again on Loisel style! done !
dimanche 15 mai 2011
Second "Speed painting" achieved with the other class off 2nd year. Less complicated than the submarine, this time executed in 45, 50 mm. With the same restrictions: using grayscale brushes, filters and fuzzy. Also inclusion of textures ...
samedi 14 mai 2011
mardi 3 mai 2011
1001 NUITS ...
The preliminary sketch draw directly on the "wacom" but inspired by the posing of a live model sketched during a workshop session ... hence the side a bit too "stripped". a rough sketch influenced by Frazetta's works. Frank Frazetta is for me one of the greatest! And he has greatly influenced my work when I was a freelancer for role playing games illustrations... 25 years ago ... but there are still marks of it :)
samedi 30 avril 2011
Bref, voici donc la couverture pour l'histoire courte à paraître dans le "Projet Bermuda 3" édité par la librairie Expérience ! vous n'en verrez pas plus, la suite sera à découvrir le 25 juin lors du lancement du livre !
I was hesitating for the title: De Gaulle and Me", because this is only part of the story and it can seem as pretentious too. But at the same time I did not find any better, and besides, it sounds good!
So, here is the cover, for the short story to appear in the "Project Bermuda 3" edited by the bookstore: Experience! you will not see much more, to be discovered on June 25th at the book launch in Lyon ! the book will be signed by all the autors on a spécial event on a boat on the river Rhone.
mercredi 13 avril 2011
jeudi 24 mars 2011
mercredi 23 mars 2011
mercredi 16 mars 2011
samedi 12 mars 2011
Here are the first 3 pages of a short story in 8 boards. This story is completed for the project: Bermuda #3 edited by the bookstore: Experience, High Places of the comics books and B.D. in Lions. Who edits for the 3rd time a group of more or less short stories.
mardi 22 février 2011
A big thank to everyone who came to see me doodling on my books:) a great afternoon, meeting and talking with the young and young at heart. As I announced yesterday in the right column of my blog, the Sketchbook 01, is now out of print. I'm sorry for the last command that I could not fulfill. If there's really stiil a demand ... I will consider to reprinted it, but still nothing on yet.
dimanche 20 février 2011
Je ne fais pas souvent de pub sur mon blog, mais je voudrais rendre un vif hommage à trois compères .... Et à vrai dire, je pense qu'ils n'en ont pas vraiment besoin. Mais je suis un grand fan de leur travail, à ce titre je lève mon verre.... mon crane, pardon. Pour saluer le magnifique boulot de ces 3 lascars: Monsieur Michalak, le Senior Fred, ... et a Hub ... "Bravo bon boulot !".
Longue vie a L'Aslak! Et j'ai hâte d'enfin lire ce premier tome !
Allez vite voire leur travail sur leur nouveau blog:
Long live The Aslak! And I can not wait to finally read the first volume !
cliquez pour agrandir
Aslak T1 L'œil du Monde - Delcourt
sortie: le 2 Mars 2011